Sunday, December 11, 2011

Mamma Mia

Well, howdy, y'all! I'm writing from a slightly smelly airport hotel in Rome, and mentally preparing myself for a long flight back home tomorrow. It's totally surreal to think that in 24 hours, I'll be in Texas.

But before I had any amount of time to begin to feel sorry for myself, my mom and aunt came to Italy! More Ledlow's in Europe.

it was so fun looking down into the Santa Chiara courtyard and seeing themmm

2 gypsies at the bus stop in Assisi, holding Squishy Laura

Then, we conquered Aunt Neannie's fear of heights and climbed the Duomo in Florence!

beautiful Siena, where all the buildings are...burnt sienna!

And now we end our adventures in Rome, where we...
...reenact Caesar's death, Roman Santa take a smoke break in Piazza Navona,

...took a day trip to Orvieto,

...and celebrated the third Sunday of Advent with Mass at St. Peter's with our sweet friend Enrique from Mexico, and a blessing from the Pope!

I'm so so glad these two cuties were able to "pick me up from school." Their sense of wonder and awe with this beautiful little home I've had for the past 3 months helped me to appreciate it even more. And their sense of adventure left me too exhausted to mourn my leaving Italy!

I could go into a big reflection, but I'll save that for catching up with all my beautiful family and friends when I return! Plus I might cry if I get all pensive. Thank you for reading about my many adventures, and God bless!